Smart Growth

Farm Frolics & Flote Festival ’22

May 4, 2022 | by

Howdy, y’all!

Spring has sprung, but May showers [in south Texas] do not exist. Yet, the trees are sprouting leaves and there are flowers fighting to flourish, adding pops of color of varying hues of blues, purples, pinks, and such across the vast brown; what a beautiful time of the year. Josh’s efforts in the garden while I finished up my dissertation were not in vain. We are figuring out water, but are seeing the fruits of his labor. We shall enjoy the goodness of the garden soon enough!

Other than the garden, we have grown our farm since the last update, adding 60 chicks and two calves. They are loving the land. The cows escaped their area once and we found them hanging out under the trees on the property, enjoying the grass amongst the sheep. Our chicks have grown significantly and they are thankful for the heat protection we erected to protect them from the Texas sun. Speaking of escape artists, this month has been full of surprises with each of our animals escaping from their paddock at least once this month. Early morning, I was outside enjoying a cup of joe when I saw Ms. Pig perusing the land with the LGDs; she is easy to persuade back in with food, but who knows how long she’d been meandering around the farm. But, our sheep, specifically one ram and one ewe, love to roam the grounds separate yet close to the herd. We gather it is because they do not love the hay bales we provided for them. So, this week, we bought a bale of pea and peanut hay and they have remained in their paddock; seemingly, they are pleased, lol.

Last weekend, we left the farm for a short road trip to Gause, TX. We checked out the Flote Festival! What a good time it was. We attended a few speaking events, the kids were covered in paint, trying their hands at making tye-dye t-shirts, and we introduced our products to the festival attendees. The girls got a picture with Jeremy “Spike” Cohen an American libertarian political activist, entrepreneur, and podcaster. He was the Libertarian Party’s nominee for vice president of the United States in the 2020 election, serving as Jo Jorgensen’s running mate. How awesome is that?! On top of that, we kinda fangirled over Jack Spirko best known today as the host of The Survival Podcast. The show has been running since 2008 and now has over 3,000 episodes available on all aspects of self-sufficiency, self-reliance, independence, and personal liberty. What an awesome weekend!

This week, we are gearing up for a week-long road trip, visiting AZ, CA (don’t judge us), NV, maybe NM, and back home to the great state of Texas. Stay tuned for updates on this trip and other goodness happening around Smart Growth Farms!





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